Craig and Sharon Campbell’s “Harmony Orchards” sits perched 2000 feet above the confluence of the Tieton and Naches rivers in central Washington. The long days, cool nights and fertile soils craft exceptionally great tasting apples, pears, cherries and apricots. A third generation Yakima Valley farmer, Craig committed to an organic farming program twenty five years ago.
Educated as a horticulturist but having spent over 30 years in produce marketing, Craig possesses a firsthand understanding of both farming challenges and consumer demands. This unique combination of knowledge allows him to plant new varieties which stimulate him as a grower while satisfying diverse consumer tastes.
Today we organically farm for the fresh market seven varieties of apples; three varieties of pears and three varieties of late harvest apricots. We grow over forty varieties of cider apples and perry pears for our cider company Tieton Cider Works. We have ten varieties of Heirloom apples that are young, but will be used for our cider and in our gift boxes.
Our farm is a blend of young and older orchards. The fruit that is grown today are the expected Red and Golden delicious but also niche apple varieties that aren’t in over production in the commercial market; first generation apricots from New Zealand; gnarly apples for cider and heirloom apples for romance. Visit Our Fruit Page for images and complete descriptions.